Borderless Life Education


YLA & GVIF has started YouTube Channel “ Borderless Life Education”.

Borderless Life Education is a YouTube Channel run by GVIF & YLA with the objectives to create awareness amongst people of all level, and all jurisdiction of the globe. The education is not simply about securing a knowledge, but it’s about equipping our students with the tools and skills necessary for shaping them to face real life challenges. If we want to design our life for tomorrow, we require skills like resilience, adaptability, collaboration, communication, empathy, creativity and emotional intelligence.

Learning through age-old traditional methods will not be use anymore in future, but integrated learning and experiential learning, with greater implementation of technology, will power the future the education. Education should become more flexible and accessible, relinquishing its over-reliance on rigid structures that we currently consider necessary. Existing education fails to provide bare necessities of life, spiritual wellbeing, unable to inform about our relationship with nature, and that’s why this attempt to connect people and to share with them about realities of life.

This will help our present and next generation, in reducing poverty, inequality, fighting climate change, freedom of expression, stopping terrorism, preventing pandemic and other many issues. We need humanity coming together as a global community for better living. Let us make a new world where all communities are connected irrespective of caste, race, religion. It will be a life changing experience to be a part of this community, The theme of our new mission is: “design our life for tomorrow for better living”.


YLA is shortly announcing short term virtual courses soon. The dates, details, fees, and the procedure for registration will be announced shortly. The courses will be practical oriented, dealing with real life situations, on current topics. Some of the proposed topics are :

  • Cyber Law & Cyber Security
  • Arbitration law & Procedure
  • Mediation Law & Procedure
  • Intellectual Property Rights
  • Drafting & Pleading
  • Argument Skills
  • Communication Skills
  • Mind Power 
  • Spirituality &Meditation
  • Law as a Career.